جسور المعرفة
Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 329-341

The Role Of Positive Oral Corrective Feedback In Reducing Fossilization Among Efl University Students

Authors : Bouras Sana .


The aim of this study is to investigate whether the employment of positive oral corrective feedback with first year foreign language (EFL) students (LMD) at the University of Chadli Bendjedid El–Tarf plays an effective role in preventing the students’ errors from getting fossilized and correcting their errors if they have already been fossilized. So, positive oral corrective feedback which is provided by the teacher upon students’ errors while performing oral activities reduces errors’ fossilization. Accordingly, students will achieve accuracy and fluency, therefore developing their oral skills.


positive oral corrective feedback؛ fossilization؛ errors؛ accuracy