Revue Les Cahiers du POIDEX
Volume 3, Numéro 2, Pages 43-59

من إقتصاد يحركه الموارد إلى اقتصاد يحركه الابتكار

الكاتب : حواس امين . يوسفي رشيد . زرواط فاطمة الزهراء .


This paper investigates how South Korea has achieved its remarkable transition from resources based economy to innovation based economy, according to its industrial development and by evaluated the S & T policies of Korea over the past 40 years. The successful transformations have been possible because of government policy frameworks and active industry engagement. Government sets the development goals that clearly indicate where the country should move. The development goals and major policy directions have changed according to the development stages and changes in domestic and international economic conditions. In the course of economic development, S&T policy and its framework have evolved in response to the changes in the industrial structure. The Korean S&T policy led to industrial targeting, higher absorptive capacity and Korea has performed exceptionally well over the last few decades in its efforts to catch up with the world’s leading economies.

الكلمات المفتاحية

النمو الاقتصادي العالمي- الاقتصاد الكوري- اقتصاد المعرفة