مجلة التمويل والاستثمار والتنمية المستدامة
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 195-217

Participatory Democracy As A Framework For Upgrading Local Development Management Mechanisms With Reference To The Algerian Experience

Authors : Belatel Ayache . Allouni Ammar .


This study aims to introduce the concept of community participation in localdevelopment, its importance and characteristics, and highlight the role of the local community throughvarious methods to participate in local development on the basis that local development is participary development in which all coponements of the localcommunity contribute, the study also aims to highlight the mechanisms of popular participation in development, in addition to the importance of participatory democracy, that is, citizen’s participation in the local decision and the way to develop his community.


popular participation ; participatory development ; local development ; ageria