مجلة الباحث في العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية
Volume 15, Numéro 2, Pages 94-106

The Exercise Of Digital Citizenship As A Recognition Of Identity And The Principles Of Human Freedoms

Authors : Abid Sabah . Ajgou Ali .


This study is an attempt to address some of the concepts generated by the environment of modern technologies, Considering the use of digital technology as an indicator indicating the optimal extent of reaching the degree of cognitive development that affected all sectors that benefit many areas of the humanities, The situation has reached taking it to meet the requirements of the times in light of knowledge societies, and moving to abandon the traditional form of the service sector to digitization, This is due to the development of the thought of computer users, to move them to exercise the basic freedoms of the individual according to automatic systems different from the previous ones, To form new vocabulary related to the world of modern technologies, bypassing the virtual world, which included digital identity, digital citizenship, digital citizen, Therefore, we have a problem in searching for the meaning of digital citizenship and knowing the extent to which it achieves the actual exercise of identity and human freedoms.


Keywords : Digital Identity ; Digital Citizenship; Digital Citizen, Digital Rights.