مجلة مجتمع تربية عمل
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 418-443

Peut-on Parler D’une Dimension Locale Du Phénomène De Changement Social ? Ou Comment Déchosifier Le Changement Social ?can We Speak Of A Local Dimension Of The Social Change Phenomenon? Or How To Dechosify Social Change ?

Auteurs : Khames Djilali .


Lorsque nous parlons d’anthropologie locale, nous entendons par-là moins une matière de connaissances à apprendre ou, encore, un collectage de faits empiriques à se réapproprier pour les insérer, comme il est souvent le cas, dans un corps de théories, qu’une attitude ou posture à l’égard du fait social, une façon de le problématiser et de l’étudier. Quant au croisement de l’anthropologie et du local, il n’est nullement question de l’objet-le local en soi-, vu que l’analyse proposée dans le cadre de cette étude porte moins sur le local comme tel qu’elle ne se déroule dans la réalité qu’il est censé représenter. Et, en ce sens, le matériau d’investigation qu’il procure, peut être utilisé comme un révélateur critique de la discipline anthropologique elle-même. C’est dans cette perspective que nous proposons d’étudier le phénomène du changement social. Il s’agit de mettre l’accent sur la vitalité sociale du souterrain, en tant que celui-ci réfère à une centralité qui couvre encore plus solidement l’avérée dimension du social dont la tendance est de ne se laisser percevoir que succinctement sinon d’une manière voilée. Il en est donc du local comme d’une autre proportion, où les mouvements, c’est-à-dire les variations et les ajustements qui affectent les connections sociales, se donnent à voir avec des dispositions qui portent le drapeau de la différence—réalité déjà particularisée, souvent difficile à dessiner. When we talk about local anthropology, we mean more than just a material for information that can be implanted in the minds, or even a set of experimental facts that the researcher retrieves by inserting them, as is often the case, in a set of theories, as much as we mean by it position from the social reality, and a way of problematizing and studying it. As for the intersection between anthropology and locality - the latter does not necessarily include a subject in itself, since its analysis focuses less on the local in itself than on what happened in such a process within it, there is a need to use the investigation material as a critical revelation of the anthropological discipline itself. This necessarily requires a reflective position as required in all scientific practices. In other words, the need to work on giving the research a margin of polished doubt towards the position or vision that it assumes in advance, but also towards the observer - his inductive procedures in collecting the information and data required - of course, which remains exposed to the suffering of his alienation in front of an impact that he does not know enough. And what increases the need for that is that his work, as much as it is continuous digging from within the social phenomenon, as much as it relates to the state of knowledge desired to be obtained and its future development horizon. It is in this perspective that we propose through which to study the phenomenon of social change. It is a question of emphasizing the social vitality of the inner space, as it refers to a centrality that even more firmly covers the proven dimension of the social whose tendency is to be perceived only succinctly if not in a veiled way. So it is local as it is other proportion, where movements, that is, the variations and adjustments that affect social connections, are revealed with dispositions that carry the flag of difference—a reality that is already particularized, often difficult to draw.

Mots clés

Changement, local, culture, arrangement, anthropologie ; Change, local, culture, arrangement, anthropology