Algerian Journal of Sciences
Volume 0, Numéro 0, Pages 33-41

A Survey On Distributed Self-stabilizing Algorithms For Finding Independent Sets

Authors : Touahra Yousra . Khaloua Nesrine Hadil . Derradj Imane . Guellati Nabil .


Self-stabilization is a technic for handling transient faults in distributed systems introduced by Dijkstra in 1973. A distributed system is considered to be self-stabilizing if it can recover a correct state after a finite period of time, regardless of its initial state. Several issues observed in networks and distributed systems can be modeled using graph parameters. In this paper, we survey distributed self-stabilizing algorithms for finding independent sets in graphs. We evaluate the performance of five algorithms by performing simulations. Independent sets finding algorithms are useful for node clustering in networks and distributed systems.


Distributed systems, Fault-tolerance, Self-stabilization, Graph theory, Independent sets.

Survey Of Six Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithms Under Standard Test Conditions

Mohammed Salah Bouakkaz .  Ahcene Boukadoum .  Omar Boudebbouz .  Issam Attoui .  Nadir Boutasseta .  Ahmed Bouraiou . 
pages 53-62.