مجلة نماء للإقتصاد والتجارة
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 15-33

The Role Of Organizational Requirements In Activating Strategic Vigilance System Practices In Inpha-médis Laboratories, El-taref: An Evaluation Study

Authors : Zeraoula Rafik .


This study aimed to determine the degree of correlation between the organizational requirements, with its dimensions, and the strategic vigilance system practices in Ipha-Médis laboratories. The study concluded that there is a strong positive correlation between the organizational requirements, with its dimensions, and the strategic vigilance system practices in Ipha-Médis laboratories, as the value of the correlation coefficient was (0.787), that is, an increase of one unit in the “organizational requirements” leads to an increase of 0.787 in strategic vigilance system practices in laboratories under study.


Organizational requirements ; Strategic vigilance system ; Inpha-Médis laboratories