مجلة المفكر
Volume 19, Numéro 1, Pages 758-779

Maritime Geography And Regional Tensions: An Analysis Of The Maritime Conflict Between Israel And Lebanon

Authors : Touiker Yamina .


Countries can no longer promote their economies and develop away from energy of all kinds, so that energy of various names and sources of alternative, vital and renewable sources is considered a source of permanent and continuous development of countries, where the race towards it has become a feature of cold conflicts in modern times, and this is reflected in the manifestations of competition between countries at the regional and international levels, through manifestations of interference in the internal affairs of countries, either through cooperation agreements through which they can achieve actual presence within the geographical borders of the state Such as exploration operations, or supporting conflicting parties at the expense of other parties vto keep the situation as it is for the benefit of the supporting external parties according to what serves their interest.


the Israeli-Lebanese conflict; the maritime orders; east Mediterranean; energy reserves.