مجلة الإناسة و علوم المجتمع
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 16-35

الصفات الخبرية عند المعتزلة The Predicate Qualities Of The Mu'tazilites

الكاتب : سفيان فاتن . زروخي الدراجي .


إن تعاظم محاولة المعتزلة لفهم كنه الله ــ من خلال فهم صفاته جرهم للانشغال بالصفات الخبرية، التي تم إثباتها عن طريق الخبرـ والتي جاء ذكرها في النص القرآني واصفا المولى ــ نفسه بها، ومما شاع عنهم أنهم ذو عقل وحكمة لا يقبلون القول إلا بما صدقه العقل، فما كان لهم إلا انهم رفضوا الأخذ بظاهر الآيات القرآنية قاصدين بذلك تنزيه الله ــ عن الفهم البسيط المقترن بالتجسيم، والتشبيه فأظهروا اجتهادا في التأويل محاولين إيجاد وسط بين التعارض الظاهر فيما ورد في كتابه، وما أقره رسوله الكريم له في السنة وبين الباطن الذي تبلوره العقول عن ذاته، والذي يأتي مخالفا تماما لفهم العامة لظاهر النص، ولهذا جاء تأويلهم للصفات الخبرية بتحكيم العقل Abstract: The increasing attempt of the Mu'tazilites to understand the nature of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - through understanding His attributes led them to become preoccupied with the descriptive attributes, which were proven through the news and which were mentioned in the Qur’anic text describing the Lord - may God bless him and grant him peace - with them. What was common about them was that they were of reason and wisdom and would not accept words except Whatever the mind believed, they had no choice but to refuse to accept the apparent meaning of the Qur’anic verses, intending thereby to distance God - may God bless him and grant him peace - from the simple understanding associated with anthropomorphism and simile. They showed diligence in interpretation, trying to find a middle ground between the apparent contradiction in what was stated in his book, and what His Noble Messenger approved of him in the Sunnah. And between the inner meaning that the minds crystallize about itself, which is completely contrary to the common people’s understanding of the apparent meaning of the text, and for this reason their interpretation of the predicative attributes was based on the arbitration of the mind.

الكلمات المفتاحية

الله، المعتزلة ، التأويل ، الصفات ، العقل