دليل الآداب و اللغات
Volume 3, Numéro 1, Pages 211-232

Constructive Discipline Versus Traditional Punishment In Education: Analytical Perspective

Authors : Abd Elwahab Waleed .


This paper shows the various methods of productive sanction in education, focusing on their adequacy and expected benefits for student's academic and social progress. Traditional disciplining methods have frequently depended on correctional measures that highlight destructive consequences, which can lead to unwanted consequences such as increased anger and reduced inspiration. In contrast, productive discipline procedures aim to foster progressive conduct modification by supporting self-reflection, empathy, and individual concern. This study surveys a number of useful discipline procedures, including helpful equity rehearses, positive support methods, and mental social intercessions. Furthermore, the research studies the mental concepts supporting these strategies and their appropriateness across various educational situations. Based on the research's findings, constructive discipline techniques may assist learners become more proficient at regulating controlling their behavior, fostering a positive educational atmosphere, and raising their level of education. Nevertheless, educationalists need to implement these tactics with careful attention to individual learner prerequisites and social settings. Additional research is necessary to explore the long-term special effects of constructive sanction strategies on students' overall well-being and academic accomplishment.


productive punishment ; constructive strategies ; practical approaches ; classroom climate