مجلة العلوم وافاق المعارف
Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 18-38

Le Takfir Et Le Takfirisme Les Origines Et Les Conséquences. Takfir And Takfirism The Origins And Consequences.

Authors : Charafi Brahim .


L'article explore les racines historiques du takfirisme, un mouvement radical dans l'islam contemporain, et son évolution à travers les décennies. Il examine les fondements idéologiques du takfirisme, mettant en lumière son interprétation rigide de la religion et son utilisation de la takfir (excommunication) pour justifier la violence contre les musulmans considérés comme hérétiques. L'analyse couvre également l'expansion du takfirisme, de ses débuts dans les mouvements jihadistes des années 1970 et 1980 à son influence actuelle sur les groupes terroristes mondiaux comme Al-Qaïda et Daech. Enfin, l'article explore les défis contemporains posés par le takfirisme, notamment sa propagation via les médias sociaux et sa capacité à attirer de jeunes adeptes radicalisés. En comprenant les origines et les évolutions de ce phénomène, il devient possible de développer des stratégies efficaces pour contrer sa propagation et promouvoir un discours religieux plus modéré et tolérant. The article explores the historical roots of Takfirism, a radical movement in contemporary Islam, and its evolution through the decades. It examines the ideological foundations of takfirism, highlighting its rigid interpretation of religion and its use of takfir (excommunication) to justify violence against Muslims considered heretics. The analysis also covers the expansion of takfirism, from its beginnings in the jihadist movements of the 1970s and 1980s to its current influence on global terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and Daesh. Finally, the article explores contemporary challenges posed by takfirism, including its spread via social media and its ability to attract radicalized young followers. By understanding the origins and developments of this phenomenon, it becomes possible to develop effective strategies to counter its spread and promote a more moderate and tolerant religious discourse. The article explores the historical roots of Takfirism, a radical movement in contemporary Islam, and its evolution through the decades. It examines the ideological foundations of takfirism, highlighting its rigid interpretation of religion and its use of takfir (excommunication) to justify violence against Muslims considered heretics. The analysis also covers the expansion of takfirism, from its beginnings in the jihadist movements of the 1970s and 1980s to its current influence on global terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and Daesh. Finally, the article explores contemporary challenges posed by takfirism, including its spread via social media and its ability to attract radicalized young followers. By understanding the origins and developments of this phenomenon, it becomes possible to develop effective strategies to counter its spread and promote a more moderate and tolerant religious discourse. The article explores the historical roots of Takfirism, a radical movement in contemporary Islam, and its evolution through the decades. It examines the ideological foundations of takfirism, highlighting its rigid interpretation of religion and its use of takfir (excommunication) to justify violence against Muslims considered heretics. The analysis also covers the expansion of takfirism, from its beginnings in the jihadist movements of the 1970s and 1980s to its current influence on global terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and Daesh. Finally, the article explores contemporary challenges posed by takfirism, including its spread via social media and its ability to attract radicalized young followers. By understanding the origins and developments of this phenomenon, it becomes possible to develop effective strategies to counter its spread and promote a more moderate and tolerant religious discourse.


Takfirisme ; Islam radical ; Origines ; Évolutions ; Jihadisme ; Idéologie ; Excommunication ; Radicalisation ; Terrorisme ; Al-Qaïda