مجلة الاقتصاد والمالية
Volume 10, Numéro 2, Pages 268-285

Algeria And The Brics: Between Aspirations For Membership And Justifications For Refusal

Authors : Benzidane Fatma Zohra .


This paper examines the role that the BRICS group plays in representing developing countries in the international economy. By 2022, the share of the global GDP attributable to the BRICS countries has grown from 18% in 2010 to 31.67%.22 nations, including Algeria, submitted requests to join it as a result. The study discovered that Algeria's application was denied for a number of economic reasons, including the country's size—hydrocarbons account for 95% of its GDP and the fact that it did not join the World Trade Organization or adhere to free trade principles..


BRICS, Joining Criteria , Algeria