مجلة البحوث القانونية و الاقتصادية
Volume 7, Numéro 2, Pages 700-722

Water Endowment Requirements And Contemporary Applications As A Tool In Promoting Sustainable Water Security "from The Perspective Of Islamic Economics"

Authors : Hireche Abdelkader .


The study aimed to shed light on the water endowment, which is a part of charitable endowments. To achieve this goal and through a review of previous studies related to the research topic, the study articulated the dimensions of the research problem by highlighting whether the water endowment plays a role as a tool in promoting sustainable water security by the perspective of Islamic economics. This is particularly relevant in the contemporary environmental context marked by the depletion of water resources and the disruption of their balance. The study employed a descriptive-analytical methodology to test the hypotheses. The results indicate that the water endowment can play an effective role in achieving sustainable water security and significantly contribute to economic development at both the local and regional levels. Activating the endowment through water harvesting projects enhances the contribution to water resource development in arid regions and mitigates the severity of the expected water deficit in the coming years.


Endowment, Water Endowment, Water Security, Contemporary Applications.