Volume 15, Numéro 1, Pages 1647-1659

Teachers' Social Representations Towards Modern Media And Communication Technology

Authors : Ferkous Nadira .


Abstract: The topic of education technology and its inclusion in the field of pedagogical practice is the most popular topic in the scientific community due to its knowledge gains and additions. This educational approach has introduced new educational practices that are more interactive and dynamic for both teachers and learners, adding more richness to the educational material. However, the concepts of uncertainty and "fear" accompanying the establishment of change will impose themselves and prevent the evaluation of the use of modern technology as required. Therefore, university and educational institutions are now required to prepare the ground for change by providing the necessary legal, material and formative frameworks to facilitate the stages of its embodiment in reality. Through this paper, we will try to identify the importance of modern technology in the field of education and learning, the most important of which is the representations that teachers carry when using them, and try to identify the reasons for resistance to change.


Social representations ; Communication technology ; resistance to change.