مجلة الرسالة للدراسات والبحوث الإنسانية
Volume 9, Numéro 2, Pages 209-226

Evolution Of Audiovisual Legislation In Algeria A Critical Analysis Of The Texts Of Laws In The Period From 2012 To 2023

Authors : Baaloudj Zineb .


This study is concerned with following up the legislative path to open up audiovisual to the private sector through analyzing the legal texts regulating the audiovisual sector, and we arrived at a distinction between two stages: the first stage extends from 2012 until the promulgation of the Organic Media Law of 2023, which represents the stage of establishing pluralism in the field of audiovisual, which began with a formal openness and the absence of the real will to open the way for private individuals to invest in the audiovisual media industry. The second stage begins with the promulgation of the Organic Media Law of 2023, which includes what the Authority calls "a comprehensive reform of the media system" by issuing a set of legal texts aimed at updating media legislation to keep pace with successive changes, especially in the digital environment.


audiovisual sector ; legal texts ; media legislation ; media organic law ; media pluralism ; media policy