دفاتر السياسة والقانون
Volume 16, Numéro 2, Pages 495-509

Examining The Legal Implications Of Social Media Bias Against Pro-palestinian Voices

Authors : Khennour Mahmoud . Khedidji Ahmed .


The growing usage of social media platform has led to the emergence of crimes committed through these platforms. In response to the legal obligations, social media companies have imposed content moderation procedure on user’s generated content to avoid legal implication of potential misuse. However, this mechanism has been used unethically to implement a discriminatory censorship against the Pro-Palestinian voices, showing bias towards the Israeli narrative. these practices raise inquiries about the legal nature of these companies as mere internet service providers, further to the legal ramifications for committing discrimination, the act prohibited under international human rights treaties and various national legislations worldwide. Relying on an analytical approach, this study aims to shed light on the continuous violations of Palestinians' rights to freedom of opinion, expression, and equality by social media platforms. we will scrutinize the legal and jurisprudential perspectives, while also reviewing the possible solutions to empower the Palestinian community in practicing and enjoying their digital rights


Pro-Palestinian voices ; social media ; Content Moderation ; Bias

The Pro-obama Mainstream Media Bias In The 2008 Election Campaign

Laouamri Mebarek .  Belmekki Amine . 
pages 812-822.