مجلة الدراسات القانونية والسياسية
Volume 10, Numéro 2, Pages 117-130

Unicef And Children's Rights Between Challenges And Established Protection

Authors : Benammar Hadjaissa .


Children around the world face a continuing cycle of disease, poverty and denial of education, as well as many rights at the international and national levels. This is why the United Nations, its highly specialized agency for the protection of women's rights and rights, A leading global advocacy organization for children's issues. The core of UNICEF's work in the field is the presence of 126 country offices, some of which serve several countries. Each of these offices serves UNICEF through a unique cooperation program developed with the host country. The five-year program focuses on practical ways of realizing the right of women and children. Their needs are analysed in a status report prepared at the beginning of each program cycle, all in accordance with the international conventions on the protection of the rights of children and women under the supervision and guidelines of the United Nations.


UNICEF, children, protection