مجلة الواحات للبحوث و الدراسات
Volume 17, Numéro 1, Pages 1159-1178

An Overview About The Historical Landmarks In The City Of Old Nedroma.

Authors : Benzeghadi Mohammed .


This research paper deals with an extensive reading about the ancient Islamic architectural feats in the city of Nedroma, and they came in a variety of character between what is religious, civil and military, and despite the excessive modernity that dominated the ancient city, but these exploits refused to remain standing tall, struggling with the scourge of time in order to deliver the message Civilization for current and future generations, and perhaps this research paper is one of the ways that will introduce these generations to their heritage and identity, in light of the irrational invasion of globalization.


Nedroma, The Great Mosque, The Qaddarin Mosque, The Sultan’s Castle, The Shrines.