Revue des Economies financières bancaires et de management
Volume 13, Numéro 1, Pages 570-586

Green Islamic Sukuk As A Tool For Financing Sustainable Projects (a Case Study Of Malaysia And Indonesia)

Authors : Guettar Fatma Zohra . Mecerhed Bilel .


This study aims to highlight the effectiveness of Islamic Green Sukuk as a tool for financing sustainable projects and environmental conservation. These Sukuk instruments are characterized by their adherence to Islamic Sharia principles and the principles of sustainable environmental development. Additionally, the study investigates the factors that have contributed to their proliferation and development. To understand their current status, the experiences of Malaysia and Indonesia in various applications have been referenced. Several key findings emerge from this study, including the effectiveness and transparency of Islamic Green Sukuk in financing sustainable projects. Furthermore, these Sukuk instruments have attracted investors due to their alignment with their ethical and religious beliefs.


Islamic finance ; Islamic Sukuk ; Green Islamic Sukuk ; sustainable projects