مجلة نماء للإقتصاد والتجارة
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 331-346

Ensuring Arab-african Food Security

Authors : Kari Abderrahmane .


Food security is considered one of the serious problems that must be resolved as soon as possible, due to its attachment to human and the continuity of his offspring, affected by environment, and the social relations that linked him to his kind, and other creatures, as well as the economic aspect of it, it is closely linked to the economic problematic related to satisfying the growing needs in light of the lack of resources. Considering that the most important of these needs are Food and Drink needs, which cannot be fully satisfied without ensuring food security. And since the Competitive Advantage related to production capacity between countries is one of the most important factors for achieving economic integration, it was necessary to create integrations between countries according to data that would make it successful. That is why this research paper came in an attempt to highlight the success factors of Arab-African integration in the field of Sustainable Food Security, and the achievement of sustainable development goals related to it through: "SDG 02: Zero Hunger", in an attempt to answer the problematic question: How can Ensuring Arab-African food security?


Food Security ; Arab-African Integration ; Sustainable Development ; Social Equation ; Environmental dimension ; Economic dimension

Evolution Of Food Prices And Its Impact On Food Security In Algeria

Halmouche Cheikh .  Madi Mohammed . 
pages 133-144.