مجلة الباحث في العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية
Volume 14, Numéro 2, Pages 164-179

He Slave Trade And Its Negative Economic, Social And Cultural Effects. (west Africa As A Model).

Authors : Hannai Mohammed . Mayata Tedjani .


Slavery and human trafficking is a phenomenon as old as humanity, practiced by powerful nations and groups against weak nations and groups. And with the growth of the strength of the European continent at the beginning of the sixteenth century AD following the movement of geographical discoveries, the latter tended to practice this phenomenon against the population of the African continent in general, and West Africa in particular, because of the riches and goods that this continent abounds in that help Europe to extend its control over all nations of the world as it could; Trying to benefit from what you will gain from this trade and the goods of this continent, represented by the African man with a strong muscular body. The African continent, especially West Africa, witnessed the worst trade known to mankind, namely, the slave trade, which was carried out by European savages, by snipping and exploiting people and then selling them. This trade targeted the African man, with his color, his body, his future and his conscience, so it deported him to his native homeland - and this is a crime - and turned him into forced labor in the new world that is thirsty for cheap and forced labor, which bears hardships and hardships. Europeans used to roam it with their ships, and thus this trade became the backbone on which European countries built their economies. On the other hand, it left devastating effects on the population of Africa in general and West Africa in particular for several centuries, including the economic, social and cultural aspects of African life.


slave trade - Africa - West Africa - slavery - its negative effects.