مجلة بحوث الإدارة والاقتصاد
Volume 5, Numéro 2, Pages 112-130

Commitment To The Social Responsibility Of The Economic Company As A Mechanism For Strengthening The Value System

Authors : Abid Taous .


Through this paper, we tried to investigate the relationship between commitment to the social responsibility of the economic enterprise and the value system. Considering the latter as one of the most important elements that make up the culture of any society, and they are considered as the basic pillars on which the processes of social interaction are based. In the face of the gradual fading of the value system within Algerian companies, we decided to address this issue in order to inspire hope in restoring this link on wich members of society gather. From this standpoint, and in an attempt to answer the central question that revolved around: does commitment to the social responsibility of the economic enterprise contribute to strengthening the value system? By reviewing a field study that includes the oil refinery Complex RA2K Sonatrach Skikda- Algeria. The sample was chosen in an intentional manner. This was based on the case study approach and the use of interview and observation as tools that are suitable for this type of studies


Commitment ; Social Responsibility ; Economic Company ; Strengthening ; Value System