مجلة عصور الجديدة
Volume 13, Numéro 1, Pages 502-512

Western Education And The Rise Of Early Elite Nationalism In Algeria

Authors : Bouchemal Ahmed .


Much has been said about nationalism and its roots in North Africa. Yet, few studies could consider the role of the elite in shaping national consciousness and fuelling mass protests. In Algeria, like other parts of colonial Africa, the French introduced western education with the premise of forming an elite agency that could help French colonialism and provide the necessary basics for the intellectual and cultural indoctrination of the people. Yet, this process could not reach its objectives because the new emerging Western educated elite began questioning the political, economic and cultural basics of the colonialism. Instead of being supporters to the colonial regime, the western educated elite stipulated the growth of an elite nationalism that shook the French plans for the coming decades. This article tries to examine the evolution of western education in colonial Algeria and the emergence of the educated elite. The article further probes into the nature of elite nationalism and their early manifestations of nationalism that created a collective psyche among Algerians of the need the challenge French presence and authority.


western education ; elite nationalism ; colonial Algeria ; national identity ; protests ; early nationalism