Volume 13, Numéro 1, Pages 33-43

The Impact Of Pan-africanism On The Rise Of Nationalism In Algeria Up To 1962.

Authors : Faiza Meberbeche .


Pan-Africanism describes a racially conscious movement which emerged out of the African peoples’ dispersal to the Americas and Europe through the Atlantic slave trade. It also refers to a unified struggle of African people and people of black African descent against all forms of external aggression and invasion. According to the African-American scholar, W. E. B. Du Bois, Pan-Africanism was essentially a movement that reflected the blacks’ emotions and aspirations. It represented a growing ethnic awareness among the descendents of the African slaves in the New World. In its early stages, Pan-Africanism grew as an anti-racist philosophy which came out of the blacks’ feelings of persecution, inferiority, and dependency; then it had developed as an anti-colonialist ideology to denounce Western dominance. It espoused pride in the African heritage and solidarity among all peoples of African descent.


The Impact of Pan-Africanism