Journal of social protection research
Volume 3, Numéro 2, Pages 22-37

كأسلوب للتسويق السياحي الالكتروني – دراسة حالة الوكالات السياحية بولاية عنابة-inbount Marketing واقع رقمنة الوكالات السياحية واستخدامها لاستراتيجية

الكاتب : شريف نور الهدى .


The main objective of this study is to identify the reality of the digitization of tourism agencies in the state of Annaba and their use of the “Inbound Marketing” technology. After presenting a brief theoretical idea about the concept of e-marketing of tourism and the modern e-marketing method, which was called the term “Inbound Marketing.” To achieve this, we relied on the analytical descriptive approach using the questionnaire tool distributed among 37 tourism agencies. We concluded that the agencies in the state of Annaba rely on marketing thier tourism services, but they are lacking modern methods of marketing. We also found a complete absence of the concept and application of “Inbound Marketing” technology in the study sample.

الكلمات المفتاحية

e-marketing of tourism ; tourism agencies ; Inbound Marketing