La Revue des Sciences Commerciales
Volume 21, Numéro 2, Pages 280-301

الابداع التسويقي وأثره على تحسين الخدمات المصرفية (دراسة ميدانية في عينة من البنوك الجزائرية)

الكاتب : بختي جميلة . بوشطارة مهدي . بوشيخي محمد رضا .


We aim to know how marketing creativity can affect the improvement of banking services in Algerian banks as it is a source of new marketing ideas for all businesses. By using the descriptive analytical approach, we assumed that there is a high application of independent variable which is marketing creativity, and dependant variable which is the improvement of banking service in Algerian banks. The results have showed that marketing creativity affects the development of banking services by improving service quality, reducing time and costs, and all of this leads to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

الكلمات المفتاحية

marketing creativity ; banking services ; improvement innovation ; bank ; customer