مجلة الباحث في العلوم الإنسانية و الإجتماعية
Volume 5, Numéro 11, Pages 77-96
الكاتب : بوكميش لعلى .
The abstract : The total development is considered as an ideal objective to different politics and plannings applied in all countries wether they are poor or rich.Thus, we can not realize this total development without developing human resources, this development which provides to humans food, health and needed education which enables the to be able to change and develop in society. The bill of the right development appeared in 1986 as an international act enforces the right of individuals and people for development and asked governments to work for it. In these papers I tried to draw a clear picture between the right of individuals in development to develop human resources and the total development. This because the confession of individual and people rights of development leads of course to develop human resources in a way that will realize the total development.
the right of development, developing human resourses, the total development.
نصرة نجوى
بوطرفة صورية
ص 373-394.
أوشريف يسرى
حرز االله محمد لخضر
ص 77-93.
زحزاح خالد
ص 135-145.
عبد الصمد سميرة
العمودي مينة
ص 1596-1609.
بيدي السعيد
راجف نصيرة
ص 23-37.