مجلة عصور الجديدة
Volume 6, Numéro 22, Pages 279-292

الزيارات التاريخية للشيخ عبد الحميد بن باديس لتلمسان وأثرها في الحركة الإصلاحية 1923-1937م.

الكاتب : بن بوزيان عبد الرحمن .


By the early stage of the twentieth century, the colonized Algeria had seen a blessing scientific and religious progress.This was realized thanks to the great achievements of Sheikh Abdulahmid Ben badis, since he retuned back from the Arabic East, who undertook to spread his mission of reform in different occupied districts of the country. Consequently, the Eastern and Western visits leaded him to look for a historical capital so as to be an center and a start to his mission. It was Tlemcen – the historical capital of Beni Zian- one of the major cities which attracted and impressed him by its noble history. Due to his historical visits to Tlemcen, they came into light a group of scholars who were eager to their history and their Islamic and Arabic culture. They took into consideration a noble idea:'' This last nation will be never reformed just only by what had reformed the first one.''

الكلمات المفتاحية

Algeria;scientific;religious;Sheikh Abdulahmid Ben badis;Arabic East;historical capital