مجلة المعارف للبحوث والدراسات التاريخية
Volume 4, Numéro 3, Pages 627-668

في تحولات بنية الطبقة السياسية التركية : بحث في انحدار الطبقة السياسية العثمانية التقليدية) 1808 1923 ( وصعود الطبقة ) السياسية الكمالية) 1923 195

الكاتب : وسيلة درش . فاطمة بودرهم .


We seek ,in this article to establish a good understanding the logic of attracting , conflicts and clivages within the structure of the Turkish political class, given its pivotal position withinthe Turkish political sphere as a central actor with decisive roles in defining and directing the major socio-political tracks. A historical transformation took place within the structure of the Turkish political class, the decline of the traditional Ottoman political class and the fall of the Ottoman Empire (1808-1923) in favor of the rise of the Kemalist political class and its dominance over the public sphere Agha Turkish state in the current her dress, until their decline (1923 1950), due to the continuing impact of the past on current political affairs.

الكلمات المفتاحية

الطبقة السياسية العثمانية A (the ottoman political classe) ؛ الطبقة السياسية الكمالية (the kemalist politcal class) ؛التحديث السياسي ( the political modernization) الدولة (the State)