Volume 26, Numéro 1, Pages 41-53
Authors : Accoroni Dafne .
Stewart, I thank you on behalf of Insaniyat for accepting this interview for our current issue on “Religion and Religiosity in the Mediterranean”. To begin, I would like you to introduce yourself and particularly how you became interested in religion/religious practices in Greece, your area of expertise, among others.
Interview - Charles STEWART
لهلالي سلوى
ص 841-850.
Petrescu Florian Ion T.
Petrescu Relly Victoria
Mirsayar Mirmilad
pages 111-122.
Tanssaout Zakaria
pages 133-158.
عزي صالح نعيمة
ص 403-422.
Benhammadi Zineb
Boukhennoufa Noudjoud
pages 206-221.