مجلة الأحمدي للدراسات اللغوية والنقدية والترجمة
Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 121-138

المعرفة اللّغويّة عند الطّفل في النّظريّة التّوليديّة التّحويليّة: بين الملكة الفطريّة والاكتساب اللّغويّ Children Linguistic Knowledge In The Generative And Transformational Theory Between The Innate And Linguistic Acquisition

الكاتب : ياسين بوراس .


This paper deals with a controversial debate between Behaviourism and Transformational Generative Theory about the nature of linguistic knowledge or rather the children’s linguistic acquisition. While the Behaviorist theory of language acquisition states that language is a behavior and, consequently, is learned like any other behavior via reinforcement and repetition, Transformational Generative Theory supporters believe that children’ language is innate. They also believe that experiment, which is secondary, proves the parameters or variants among languages. This assumption is based on the evidence refuting the behaviourists’ hypothesis that minimizes the role of reason in the process of linguistic acquisition. According to the generativists, reason is characterized by the creative ability that enables it to produce an unlimited number of phrases without the limits of assimilation.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Linguistic knowledge child Transformational Generative Theory intuition linguistic acquisition