مجلة النص
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 328-348

اشكالية الاحصاء و أهميته في استراتيجيات التكفل بذوي التوحد في الجزائر

الكاتب : مهيدة وهيبة . مجبر مونية .


Recently, the expression autism epidemic has become widely used not only by the parents of those affected, but also by the mass media. Their intention is to intimidate the executive authorities and to obtain rights to social inclusion in education and work. However, Hospitals and other institutions in Algeria still do not have a national statistical register of people with autism This register should be established to list all cases with their skills and needs in order to come up with a national management roadmap .Thus, people with autism will not be a burden on society in the future. In this article, we will discuss the importance of statistics, their challenges, goals, and some solutions provided by specialists who have been interrogated.

الكلمات المفتاحية

autism ; Epidemiological spread ; statistics ; care ; national plan