Séminaire Mathématique de Béjaia
Volume 13, Numéro 1, Pages 11-13

Modeling By Hybrid Petri Nets

Authors : Alla Hassane .


A hybrid Petri net can be obtained if one part is discrete and another part is continuous. This paper is a survey of the author's works on hybrid Petry nets. The author presented this Petri nets formalism with real application examples. Finally, he introduced the notion of continuous Petri nets (autonomous and timed), which di erentiates them from discrete Petri nets, their usefulness and some extensions proposed in the literature concerning the de nition of instantaneous ring rates.


Petri net, Hybrid Petri nets, continuous petri nets, formalism, application examples.

Identification Of Pvc Beats By Neural Nets

Chikh M.a .  Belgacem N .  Meghnefi F .  Bereksi-reguig F . 
pages 28-32.

Mathematical Modeling And High Performance Prediction For Hybrid Stepping Motcr

Benmounah A. .  Ayache M. .  Sinha P. K. . 
pages 47-55.