مجلة المنظومة الرياضية
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 203-221

The Effectiveness Of The Semi-sports Game To Gain The Capacity Of Strength With Middle School Students During The Physical And Sports Education Class

Authors : Selami Sidali . Bektache Bahia .


This study aims to find out the effectiveness of semi-sports in acquiring the status of strength in the students of the middle stage, where the researchers used the descriptive analytical curriculum and may be the study community of 600 students of Ras Souta school, and the sample of the study In 40 pupils (male and female) selected in a deliberate manner due to the nature of the research, the researchers used a test battery (BOT-2), to measure the degree of strength as a study tool, and the Test-Student was used as a statistical method to analyze and interpret the results, it was concluded The study to achieve a remarkable development in the acquisition of the status of speed in middle school students through the application of the program of semi-sports, and came up with recommendations, the most important of which were: guided by the scientific foundations in the construction of an educational unit in semi-sports according to the content of the article curriculum for the development of physical capacities.


Physical and sports education class- capacities motor- semi-sports game- late period of child- middle school.