revue critique de droit et sciences politiques
Volume 16, Numéro 4, Pages 761-775
Authors : Kheloui Khaled . Lamamri Assaad .
The creation of the economic and financial criminal pole as a new judicial body, which has jurisdiction over corruption offenses and other offenses provided for in article 211 quarter of the code of the criminal procedure, arises the logical question related to the nature of the procedural link existing between this jurisdiction and the tribunals with extended territorial jurisdiction, which has also competency to rule on the cases related to the corruption offenses. In this regard, the legislator provides that the jurisdiction of a new judicial body is concurrent with that granted to the tribunals with extended territorial jurisdiction, but by recognizing procedural mechanisms that guarantee the priority of the jurisdiction of the former over the latter. However, this priority does not affect the proceedings taken prior to the relinquishment of the case file by the tribunals with extended territorial jurisdiction.
the economic and financial criminal pole ; the tribunals with extended territorial jurisdiction ; the concurrent jurisdiction ; the claim of the file of the proceedings ; the relinquishment
بوسالم أحلام
عابد يوسف
ص 117-132.
Yahia Zeghoudi
pages 74-88.