المجلة الجزائرية للأبحاث والدراسات
Volume 4, Numéro 4, Pages 645-664

The Effectiveness Of Cornell Note Taking Method To Improve English As A Foreign Language Learners’ Writing Composition

Authors : Hoadjli Ahmed Chaouki . Bouguesba Bouthaina .


Throughout history, researchers in the academic community have carried out countless research studies regarding note taking as a fundamental skill in various learning contexts. Nevertheless, a very restricted range of research has been acquired to spot the influence of applying the Cornell notes system to reduce the likelihood of writing incomprehensible composition among postgraduate students in the Algerian universities. As such, we sought to investigate the problem by apprehending the initial stimuli behind the lack of composing an organized essay composition, aiming to present an innovative method that can help them outline their ideas for better written production. Considering the nature of this research (A Mixed-methods approach) the validity of data was reduced from 12 respondents and established through treatment sessions (pre-posttests) and an online focus group. The findings affirmed the positive effects of using the Cornell notes system on EFL learners writing organisation. The results further revealed the successfulness of adopting the Cornell method as a template for essay outline. Finally, basing our research study on scientific evidences confirmed that the results support the formulated hypothesis that indicates the usefulness of the new designed template on learners’ composition writing.


Cornell notes system ; EFL learners’ writing composition ; essay outlining ; essay composition ; the Cornell essay outline template