مجلة قبس للدراسات الإنسانية والاجتماعية
Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 1332-1340

The Proffessional Competencies Of Tour Guides And Quality Tourism

Authors : Ghedeir Brahim Mohammed .


The present research work was conducted through exploratory research that sought insight into the tour guides necessary competencies and their impact on the quality of tourism in the Algerian setting. The findings of the study show that tour guides have a crucial role in enhancing the image of the whole tourism sector as they are the front line staff. The results show that tour guides’ service quality positively influences tourist satisfaction. The findings provide insight into practical implications for the competence development of tour guides and proffer instrumental contributions to help travel agencies strengthen tour guides’ professional competences for effectively enhancing service quality of tour guiding and improving tourist satisfaction.


Professional competencies ; Quality tourism ; Tour guides ; Training