مجلة الإستراتيجية والتنمية
Volume 11, Numéro 2, Pages 561-580

The Role Of Organizational Culture On Enhancing The Organizational Citizenship Behavior A Field Study Of The Algerian-cuban Friendship Hospital For Ophthalmology In Djelfa

Authors : Djalab Zohra . Hazerchi Tarek .


The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between organizational culture and organizational citizenship behavior among staffs of The Algerian-Cuban Friendship Hospital for Ophthalmology in Djelfa. The statistical population includes all the staff of hospital and the sample size was estimated (231) individual from random sampling. Data collection tool was questionnaire of organizational culture and organizational citizenship behavior. The collected data were analyzed in terms of structural equations modeling in defining the concept of organizational culture and the organizational citizenship behavior and the relationship between them by using the Amos program. The results showed that there is a positive significant relationship among indices of organizational culture with factors of organizational citizenship behavior in the studied population.


Organizational Culture ; Organizational Citizenship Behavior ; the Algerian-Cuban Friendship Hospital for Ophthalmology in Djelfa