Journal of Studies in Language, Culture and Society (JSLCS)
Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 140-154

What Works To Prove The Students’ Communicative Competence In Algerian Universities? Using Picture-based Activities

Authors : Othmene Meriem . Bouyakoube Naima .


The primary concern of the current study is to explore ways to promote the students’ communicative competence through utilizing pictures-based activities. This paper tried to explore the influence of using an extensive picture based tasks to motivate students, get them engaged and most importantly, develop their communicative competence. We examined the influence of using picture based activities to improve the students’ communicative competence through an action research that was conducted in the second semester at the University of Biskra, the sample was non-randomly assigned and exposed to an extensive picture based activities to improve their communication and interpersonal skills. The results of the study revealed that using picture –based activities in the classroom are an enjoyable, yet a valuable technique for improving the students’ communication skills; it could be served as a motivating factor to improve their communicative competence.


Communicative competence, Interpersonal skills, Picture-based activities.