Journal of Studies in Language, Culture and Society (JSLCS)


Journal of Studies in Language, Culture, and Society (JSLCS) is an academic multidisciplinary open access and double-blind peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research that turns around phenomena related to language, culture, and society. JSLCS welcomes papers that reflect sound methodologies, updated theoretical analyses, and original empirical and practical findings related to various disciplines like linguistics and languages, civilisation and literature, sociology, psychology, translation, anthropology, education, pedagogy, ICT, communication, cultural/inter-cultural studies, philosophy, history, religion, and the like. The journal has no publication process charges (APC), neither for submission nor for publication. CC-By All open access articles published in JSLCS are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution- 4.0 International License The research works published in this journal are free-access. They can be shared (copied and redistributed in any medium or format) and/or adapted (remixed, transformed, and built upon the material for any purpose, commercially or not) under the following terms: attribution (appropriate credit must be given indicating the original authors, research work name, and publication name, mentioning if changes were made), and without adding additional restrictions (without restricting others from doing anything the actual license permits). Authors retain the full copyright of their published research works and cannot revoke these freedoms as long as the license terms are followed.


CFP for a Special Issue, JSLCS October 2024

Call for papers: Special Issue

The Journal of Studies in Language, Culture, and Society (JSLCS)  DEADLINE FOR PAPER SUBMISSION: July, 30 2024

Editor in chief: Prof. Nadia Idri, University of Bejaia, Algeria

Guest editor: Dr. Marc Veyrat, Société i Matériel, T i-LÉGAL—62, 2022.

 The Journal of Studies in Language, Culture, and Society (JSLCS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed, free-of-charge, open-access, and multidisciplinary journal that is published two times a year and edited by the University of Bejaia, indexed ErihPlus.

السردين Sardines philosophy


How to rethink ourselves inside and outside the technological black box: Our Least Common Multiple

Marc Veyrat, Société i Matériel, T i-LÉGAL—62, 2022.

Although universal, sardines are still excellent at many levels (taste, nutrition, etc.), it is a heroic figure; strategic and perhaps even an example to follow. Not only it is considered a poor people's dish in the Mediterranean region, but beyond this notion of random wealth and fame, it can also represent a common, symbolic, and structural current. It is an absolute metaphor for the digital world. Which can be understood as a living body, a priori identical, moving in a network and communicating mobilis in mobile, immersed in the network device of information and communication technologies. Indeed, the sardine would be the image of what we can understand, experience, and go through with our own adventures, in this digital odyssey that has only just begun at the start of the 21st century (GAFAM, AI, XR and space computing). For this little fish seems to decompartmentalize genres through its vulnerable nature... seemingly condemned to the simple fate of being easy prey with no other purpose than to serve as food. Yet, vigorous, multiple, and gathered in shoals, the sardine makes light of predators and dangers through movement and fluidity. Then, when cooked and canned, sardines play with borders and cross cultures, constantly questioning the notion of mold. Like us, in this confinement produced by technology and the media around information,. Just as people, knowledge, science, art, images and words do every day.

This call for papers, geared towards new mathematical, sociological, aesthetic, and even economic proposals, or even questions of use... of a Smallest Common Multiple (SCM) to be shared, from a cultural and scientific point of view, on what surrounds us, brings us together, and distinguishes us (in the same box or in another one ultimately resembling it), on what makes resistance for each of us while creating ethical, critical, universal, and singular hyphens between / in the arts and human sciences. 

So how can we use this call for papers to develop interdisciplinary proposals aimed at decompartmentalizing each field of research in the digital age? Indeed, what is the breathing (recording) eSPACE that separates the sardine from its can? Or, more simply, how do digital technologies produce systems of enclosure and control around us, and how can we respond to them? Isn't there a dimension of relative openness between the inside and the outside of these systems, subject to a semantic shift between container and content? What is at stake in our societies between what is still the body, the living being, and what already boils down to machines and technologies? Or how in our cultures and societies, like that poor little sardine or that tiny, fragile-looking self, in a mobile way in the mobile element, do we manage—sometimes in the sea of devices or the ocean of data—to escape predators by a pirouette, a common, unprecedented, almost chaotic movement that brings us together without making us disappear, that welds individual interest to a shared flow... with the Other...?

For this new issue of The Journal of Studies in Language, Culture, and Society (JSLCS), we are therefore asking exclusively for interdisciplinary articles, i.e. deliberately written "with four hands" and thus participating in this desire for decompartmentalization... in the knowledge that in certain disciplines such as the Arts Sciences, sound, theater, architecture, dance, visual arts ... are already grouped together in a merry mishmash ...

To this end, this call for papers aims to develop the following themes:

— Forms and representations, symbolism of interdisciplinary strategies of resistance to / with / in digital technology and its derivative tools: poetics of programming, socio-artistic data visualization, eco-numerical design ...

— Transdisciplinary tools designed to question, learn and understand these intrusive technologies: mathematics and art, computer science and semiotics, robotics and architecture, education and innovation...

— New hypermedia languages for dissemination in Research - Creation: strategies and workarounds with AI, Bio Art, AR / VR / XR immersive devices and Metaverse ...

— Using visual methods to study digital practices: bodies and machines, sociology and networks, life and AI, ethics, and transhumanism ...

— Gender and digital identity: new forms of resistance and new representation devices, body extensions and body modifications ...

Of course, this list is not exhaustive.

Indicative bibliography

— AGAMBEN, Giorgio, Qu'est-ce qu'un dispositif ?, Éditions Rivages & Payot, Collection Poche / Petite Bibliothèque, Paris, 2014.

— ALLIEZ Éric, Duchamp avec (et contre) Lacan, Éditions Les Presses du Réel, Dijon, 2022.

— AMAR, Georges, Ars mobilis - Repenser la mobilité comme un art, Éditions FYP, Limoges, 2014.

— BAUDRILLARD, Jean, Écran total, Éditions Galilée, Paris, 1997.

— BAUDRILLARD, Jean, Simulacre et simulation, Éditions Galilée, Paris, 1981.

— BENJAMIN, Walter. L’œuvre d’art à l’époque de sa reproductibilité technique, Éditions Allia, Paris, 2013.

— BENJAMIN, Walter. Le concept d’histoire, Éditions Payot, Paris, 2013.

— BOISCLAIR, Louise, Art écosphérique : de l’anthropocène… au symbiocène, L’expériencel 3, Éditions L’Harmattan, Collection Mouvement des Savoirs, Paris, 2021. 

— BOUHAÏ, Nasreddine / ZREIK, Khaldoun / KAOUAS, Nadia (sous la direction de), Repenser et faire revivre le patrimoine immatériel à l'ère numérique (HyperHéritage 7), Éditions Europia, Paris, 2023. 

— BRANDON Carole, L’Art et le dispositif, Introduction aux hypermédias, Éditions Europia, Paris, 2022.

— BRANDON Carole (sous la direction de), Cartographies sensibles, Presses de l’Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Chambéry, 2023.

— CERQUI, Daniela / MAESTRUTTI, Marina, Chapitre 8. Les apprentissages du corps “augmenté“ par la technologie : le cas du cyborg, in L'apprentissage des techniques corporelles, Éditions PUF, Collection Apprendre, Paris, 2015, pp.127 -141.

— DUCHAMP, Marcel. Duchamp du signe, Éditions Flammarion, Paris, 2013.

— DUFOUR, Hugues, L’art face à l’IA, Éditions FYP, Limoges, 2023.

— FOURMENTRAUX, Jean-Paul, L’Œuvre virale, Net art et Culture hacker, Éditions La Lettre Volée, Collection Essais, Bruxelles, 2013. 

— HOUEZ, Judith. Marcel Duchamp. Éditions Grasset, Paris, 2007.

— KRATOCHVIL, Sylvia, Mickey Mouse au pays de l’esthétisation, in Nouvelle revue d’esthétique 2021/2 (n° 28), 2021, pp.89-95.

— LEVINAS, Emmanuel, Entre nous, Essais sur le penser-à-l’autre, Éditions Grasset & Fasquelle, Collection Biblio Essais, Paris, 1991.

— MACHADO Da SILVA, Juremir, Qu’est-ce que l’imaginaire ? Des multiples réalités imaginales, in Sociétés 2015/2 (n° 128), Éditions De Boeck Supérieur, Paris, 2015, pp.115-124.

— MAESTRUTTI, Marina, Humain 2.0 : le “corps-culture“ de Ray Kurzweil, in Le transhumanisme : une anthologie, Éditions Hermann, Paris, 2020, pp.285-302.

— MERLEAU-PONTY, Maurice, Le Visible et l'Invisible, Éditions Gallimard, Paris,1988.

— MOROZOV, Evgeny, Le Mirage numérique, Pour une politique du big data, Éditions Les Prairies Ordinaires, Paris, 2015.

— RASPAIL, Thierry / LAVIGNE, Emma (sous la direction de), 14e Biennale d'art contemporain de Lyon – Mondes flottants, Catalogue, Éditions Les Presses du Réel, Dijon, 2017.

— STIEGLER, Bernard / ASSANGE, Julian / JORION, Paul / CARDON, Dominique / MOROZOV, Evgeny / BON, François (sous la direction de), La toile que nous voulons, le Web néguentropique, Éditions FYP, Collection du Nouveau Monde Industriel, Limoges, 2017. 

— SWARTZ, Aaron, Celui qui pourrait changer le monde, Écrits, Éditions B42, Paris, 2017.

— TRIGG, Dylan, The Thing, une phénoménologie de l’horreur, Éditions MF, Paris, 2017.

— VEYRAT, Marc (sous la direction de), Art et espaces publics, Éditions L’Harmattan, Collection Local & Global, Paris, 2014.

— VEYRAT, Marc, De l’information comme matériau artistique 1 & 2 : La Société i Matériel & Never Mind, Éditions L’Harmattan, Paris, 2015 & 2016. 

— VIRILIO Paul, La Machine de vision, Éditions Galilée, Collection L’Espace Critique, Paris, 1988.

— VIRILIO Paul, Esthétique de la disparition, Éditions Galilée, Collection L’Espace Critique, Paris, 1989.

— WARBURG, Aby. L’atlas Mnémosyne, Éditions L’écarquillé, Paris, 2012. 


 Submitted articles should be written in English and be about 4000 to 8000 words, with a minimum of 15 references, updated ones are strongly recommended, in APA style 7th edition. Manuscripts are expected to include an explicit, systematic, and rigorous methodology to sustain empirically-based claims that contribute to moving forward the knowledge of academic writing. 

Publication of the special issue: Volume 7, issue 2. October 15, 2024

Articles are to be submitted online through the JSLCS website on ASJP via this link: and you can find the guidelines for authors and the journal's template.










Ajani Akinwumi Lateef, 

Résumé: The issue of language inconsistent is one of the major linguistic problems confronting Nigerian Yoruba learners of French language. This study looked into the phonological problem confronting yoruba learners of French language in the area of oral production of French consonant nasal sound /ɲ/. In order to have a deep knowledge of the problem, data were collected from Nigerian Yoruba French learners in four Higher institution all located in the South West of Nigeria involving forty five students (45), thirty (30) females and fifteen (15) males. Haven presented the problem, some didactic recommendations were put forward so as to move the teaching and learning of French language forward in Nigeria, most especially in the yoruba speaking areas.

Mots clés: Language, Sound, Phonology, Linguistic Interference, Learners, Yoruba Phone, Didactic Approach.

A Linguistic-Stylistic Analysis of AbdulRahman AbdulRasaq’s Inaugural Speech (2019)

Zakari Hadiza,  Akinmusuyi Samuel, 

Résumé: Political speeches are frequently loaded with meanings; people tend to misconstrue as well as give false interpretation to what is said and how it is said. This research aims at examining the linguistic-stylistic elements used in Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRasaq’s inaugural speech with a view to identifying how these elements achieve communicative effects to the audience. Governor AbdulRahman’s inaugural speech serves as the data for this study, and the speech was delivered at his swearing-in ceremony as the 20th governor of Kwara State on 29th May, 2019. Halliday and Matthiessen’s (2014) Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) serves as the theoretical framework. The analysis of this text is carried out along the linguistic levels of analysis, which are syntactic, lexico-semantic and cohesive levels. The study reveals that the governor’s speech is made up of 43 sentences; 21 sentences (48.8%) are simple sentences; 5 sentences (11.6%) are compound sentences; 9 sentences (20.9%) are complex sentences; while 8 (18.6%) are compound-complex sentences. The dominant use of simple sentences in the speech aligns with the simple and determining attitude of politicians in getting what they want. The analysis also reveals that the imposition of synonyms and antonyms in the speech helped in enhancing the cohesive quality of the text. Hence, it is concluded that the language of the governor exhibits some unique language features with the intent of exerting great influence on the masses, and grasping power and consolidating it.

Mots clés: AbdulRahman AbdulRasaq ; communication ; political speech ; stylistics ; systemic functional grammar

English Segmental Pedagogy, Homophonic Realisation and Communicative Competence in L2

Julianah Ajoke Akindele,  Victor Ayomide Fabunmi, 

Résumé: The study investigates and compares the performance of two groups of final year English major undergraduates of a Nigerian University in the production and perception of homophones. One group consisting of twenty students were taught the English sound segments with the use of an e-learning software while the second group of twenty students were taught the segmentals without the use of the software. Each of the participants read aloud a sentences containing homophones and also participated in a dictation test. The collected data was analysed perceptively and acoustically using the sound analytical tool, PRAAT developed by Paul Boersma and David Weenick of the University of Amsterdam. Results reveal that students in the first group who were taught with the e-learning software performed better than those in the second group in the production, reception and understanding of homophones. Findings confirm that the use of e-learning software in language pedagogy will play a significant role for improved performance and greater communicative competence in Nigeria. Keywords: Communicative competence, E-Learning, Homophonic realisation, Pedagogy, performance

Mots clés: Communicative competence ; E-Learning ; Homophonic realisation ; Pedagogy ; performance

Integrating Critical Thinking Skills Using the CoRT Program in Arabic Read-Aloud Sessions: An Infused Curriculum Approach

Al Anwar Amal,  Alkhallaf Haila,  Said Tamer, 

Résumé: The teaching of Arabic literature for children faces two main challenges: the presentation of the information in a didactic way that does not engage the learners or stimulate their thinking, and the irrelevance of the presented curriculum to students’ lives. The current research aims to mitigate these problems by designing culturally relevant content that activates learners’ higher-order thinking skills as well as infusing moral and ethical values in a dialogic format. The current research presents two excerpts as a model of how to immerse learners into Arabic literature by infusing de Bono’s CORT program in Arabic literature for two age groups. This study adopts a unique approach in infusing CoRT methodology into the content by using culturally relevant examples to empathize with the CORT values, unlike previous studies that use the same examples and application of the CoRT handbook. Additionally, this study follows a holistic approach that aims at developing students’ empathy and emotional awareness by reflecting on real-life situations, in addition to their thinking skills. Another aspired outcome of the designed curriculum is the improvement of students’ engagement with Arabic literature at deeper levels. The units presented include guidelines that make the units implementable by teachers and parents in school and out-of-school settings. We consider the current curriculum to be a unique contribution towards integrating higher thinking skills and moral values into Arabic literature.

Mots clés: critical thinking skills ; Arabic children’s literature ; higher-order thinking ; infused curriculum ; CORT Program


Candau Olivier-serge, 

Résumé: Composed between 1716 and 1722, Père Jean-Baptiste Labat’s Nouveau Voyage aux îles françaises de l’Amérique orchestrates a chronicle dedicated to the life of the habitation in the Antilles at the dawn of the century. Behind the voice of the slaves, depicted as characters lacking in any psychological depth, and the picaresque voice of a chronicler involved in numerous adventures, another voice can be heard: this is the voice of a habitation society, as it establishes itself as an autonomous economic and social unit. It is this curious polyphony, in which the voices of the slaves, the master and the habitation are intermingled, that this article proposes to consider. While Père Labat normally turns a deaf ear to the slaves’ speech, every now and then he lends a more attentive ear to his slaves and hints at an unexpected additional voice, that of a new society.

Mots clés: Chronicle, ethos, habitation, Jean-Baptiste Labat, slaves’ speech.

For an i-REAL heritage policy

Veyrat Marc, 

Résumé: i-REAL is a digital and hypermedia artwork that mixes VR environments triggered using Cards from JE(U) i-RELATED with / from the Instagram social network. Before being curated on Pinterest. i-REAL is constantly ®-JOYING itself with the help of these Cards, either tangible by positioning them on Le plateau de JE(U), or intangible from a cell phone... In this article, we will develop how the plurality of these interconnected Worlds not only build a digital heritage of / in the i-REAL work, but also question, based on these i-REELITIES, our interrelations to the physical world : through the i+M/PACT of technology and networks on our bodies and thus to forms of governance such as language, but also how our personal and collective memory is constantly ®-ACTIVATED by immersion.

Mots clés: i-REAL ; Heritage ; Policy ; Digital Art ; XR

YOU’re EARTHbound

Le Coarer Gaëtan, 

Résumé: AN DOMHAN, is an adaptation of an Irish Celtic legend in the mixed (XR) of a virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) device. How can we bridge the gap between a spatially adapted narrative process in an immersive device and a sensitive, fictitious, legendary heritage resource? The article explores a methodological and phenomenological trajectory between usage analysis (XR) and the implementation of an Earth that augurs the incorporeal scope of heritage.

Mots clés: Earth ; Heritage ; Immersion ; Narration ; Persons ; XR VR AR

Exploring Teacher Education for Inclusion: A Qualitative Analysis of Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions from Sweden and the Czech Republic

Kalläne Hannah, 

Résumé: Questioning whether preparation for inclusive education is effectively integrated into teacher training programmes, this study aims at conceptualising pre-service teachers’ perceptions of their study programme’s preparation for inclusive education and their feeling of being prepared to teach inclusive classrooms. By conducting semi-structured interviews with pre-service teachers from Sweden and the Czech Republic, a comparison of the respective study programmes’ approaches to inclusive education and their effects on the students is achieved. The interview transcripts were analysed via qualitative content analysis (Mayring, 2000). While this study found an overarching appreciation of and/or wish for more input on inclusive education, there were also some differences to be found in the Czech and Swedish pre-service teachers’ perceptions. While the Czech participants perceived their study programme’s input for inclusive education as insufficient and too theory-heavy, the Swedish participants appeared confident that they would be able to apply their theoretically gained knowledge in their future classrooms, as practised at university. Students felt prepared to teach inclusive classrooms because of, for example, instances of active engagement with inclusive teaching paradigms and peer discussions in the university context. Still, participants from both countries were intimidated by obstacles embedded within the respective national school systems. Observing (inter)national tendencies and discrepancies in teacher education for inclusion, this study provides insight into the student perspective to inspire a reassessment of teacher training programmes to effectively cater to pre-service teachers’ needs in the future.

Mots clés: Inclusive education ; international comparison ; pre-service teachers ; teacher education


Ashafa Saheed Afolabi, 

Résumé: There exists a plethora of studies on the subject matter of national integration as it affects Nigeria. Researchers from different disciplines have proven that the problem of integration among the ethnic and religious groups in Nigeria is inherent. All efforts and leadership approaches to address the conundrum seem to have failed. Consequently, the country still suffers the effects of disharmony among its citizens. The aim of this study, therefore, is to contextualize Waqf (Islamic endowment) into the discourse of National Integration in Nigeria to explore the Islamic welfare approach. The work is premised on the notion that addressing the welfare of the people is a compelling tool to build peace and cohesive relationships among the diverse ethnic and religious entities in Nigeria. The study is both descriptive and exploratory in nature. With the content analysis approach, it argues that the establishment of the unrestricted endowment will remove ethno-religious grievances that continue to create relationship gaps among the diverse people of Nigeria. A study of the Islamic welfare approach of this nature could contribute to discussion related to integration and peaceful coexistence since disintegration is often attributed to marginalization and scarcity of resources.

Mots clés: National Integration ; Diversity ; Ethno-religious ; Islam ; Waqf ; Zakat

Bias and Ideology in Newspapers’ Reportage of Herdsmen Related Crimes in Nigeria

Dahunsi Toyese Najeem,  Ibiyemi Omolola O., 

Résumé: Though media organisations hardly get involved in crimes directly, they have tendency to discreetly fuel criminalities through what, and how, they report. We examined how three Nigerian newspapers of different geo-political zones and socio-political ideologies reported herdsmen-related crimes between June 2020 and June 2021 in Nigeria. The aim was to determine reportorial variations and account for such variations from linguistic perspective. Thirty major violent events covered by most national newspapers within the period were sampled. Headlines and sampled parts of the reports for each newspaper were analysed using the Hallidayan transitivity and textual analytical frameworks. The results showed that while two of the newspapers consistently concur in factual presentations (about participants involved in reported crimes), one newspaper consistently departs by reversing participant roles, de-emphacising participant information, mitigating casualty figures and outright exclusionary reportage. It is concluded that the manipulative strategies by the newspaper with substantial reportorial variation may all be intentional and connected with shared ethno-tribal and ethno-religious ideology between the newspaper’s owners and the groups constantly alleged to be perpetrators of the reported crimes. This manner of filtering and distortion bias has tendency for increased animosities and crimes among the various groups involved in the reported crimes, with cumulative influence on national peace and security.

Mots clés: crime reports ; herdsmen ; media bias ; critical discourse analysis ; systemic functional grammar

A contrastive analysis of modal usage of ‘can’ in English, French and Swahili

Achieng Stella Anne, 

Résumé: Abstract: Understanding and analysing languages with different grammatical systems is a major challenge, but by identifying formal grammatical categories and exploring their common meanings, as linguist Frank Palmer suggests, it is possible to uncover cross-linguistic patterns. This paper undertakes a contrastive and descriptive study of the modal verb 'can' in three languages: French, English and Swahili. The aim is to examine, through illustrative examples, how different languages operate within different linguistic frameworks to convey concepts of comparable semantics. Particular attention will be paid to the peculiarities of English modal verbs, including subject-auxiliary inversion, ellipsis and direct not-negation.

Mots clés: contrastive analysis ; subject-verb inversion ; ellipsis ; cross-linguistic patterns ; modal verbs

Global Warming's Impacts and the Role of Education in Shaping Social Responsiveness

مخلوف عبدالقادر,  أندرسن ارينا,  أندرسن روي, 

Résumé: This paper explores the profound impacts of global warming on geophysical conditions and the resulting disruptions to human lives. Specifically, it investigates the trajectory of global warming throughout the remainder of the century and its implications for global society. A critical concern addressed is the preservation of social order amidst the upheaval in people's living conditions, work environments, and daily survival routines. At the heart of this investigation lies an exploration of how education influences the cognitive and behavioral patterns of future citizens to adeptly maneuver through the changing societal terrain. The paper poses the question of whether it is feasible to cultivate socially responsive individuals with a heightened sense of self-responsibility to mitigate the imposition of restrictions on personal freedoms within an increasingly controlled society precipitated by the social disorder induced by global warming.

Mots clés: Global warming ; societal impact ; education ; social order ; self-responsibility

Media and history Dialectical relationship between media and history, documenting the historical memory with new visions in the frame of the information society

رايس علي ابتسام,  مجاهد يمينة, 

Résumé: Abstract: This study explores the role of mass media in documenting historical memory, particularly focusing on its distinctive features in light of the developments observed in new media.Nowadays, media has evolved into a multidisciplinary science that accompanies all branches of knowledge and fields due to its diverse features, particularly in simplifying knowledge and facilitating its dissemination. It delivers engaging content through multimedia, distributed via the internet and various media forms such as documentary films, TV series, etc.The focus of this study lies in the significance of documenting historical facts through various mass media platforms amidst the expansion of the internet and advanced information technologies. It also delves into the challenges encountered during this process concerning the perception of historical facts and events.The context of political, social, economic, legal, etc., factors significantly influences the shaping of historical content production and its presentation methods by both media professionals and historians. This influence can sometimes result in the dissemination of misleading information and facts tailored to serve the interests of specific parties. Keywords: media, history, historical memory, media documentation, information community.

Mots clés: Keywords: media, history, historical memory, media documentation, information community..

Exploring Writing Challenges in Research Article Introductions across Diverse Scientific Disciplines within Educational Settings

لحمر معاد,  بن مشيش عبد الرحيم, 

Résumé: This study examines challenges faced by authors in crafting impactful introductions for research articles across diverse scientific fields within educational settings. Analyzing 103 research articles written by non-native English speakers, we conducted a detailed error analysis, assessed readability scores, and explored correlations to identify specific writing difficulties unique to this critical section. While prevalent grammatical errors, such as article usage and subject-verb agreement, were identified, readability scores suggested a moderate to challenging level of comprehension. Significant variability in text complexity and writing styles was observed, emphasizing the need for tailored guidance to address individual author needs. Positive correlations were found between factors like article usage and grammar accuracy, while negative correlations emerged between aspects like paragraph length and sentence length. These findings contribute significantly to understanding writing challenges in research introductions, providing valuable insights for authors and educators. By improving the clarity and impact of research introductions, this study has potential applications in enhancing knowledge dissemination and supporting evidence-based decision-making across various sectors.

Mots clés: Assessment Criteria ; Error Analysis ; Research Papers ; Readability Scores ; Text Complexity

The Power of Literature: Can the Dead Speak?

Majoul Bootheina, 

Résumé: Since the beginning of recorded history, literature is the finest means of human expression. Its tool is the language through which it creates alternative universes representing facts or fiction. Whether imagined or real, narratives have the power to voice silence, unveil verity and become thus receptacles of an ever present past. Indeed, Literature empowers; it acts as memory preserved within closed pages, forgotten then remembered every time a book is read. It survives time and revives reminiscences; it is “a record of human consciousness” (Lodge 10). It is a safe space for writers, a shelter, a secret keeper; but also, a counter space and alternative one for readers since it delivers lessons from the past that migrate, and offer possibilities. The “dead” text, the corpse of the narrative (as well as corpse narratives) provides post death truths that survive us, for the next generation, for history, for the archive. That inanimate object helps people understand the world. In fact, Literature is power otherwise. By means of language it gives voice to the voiceless, the marginalize and the oppressed. Literary dissent is the most peaceful way to exert power and make views, pain, and (in)justice heard. This paper will dig into the power of Literature to change history through stories; it will examine selected texts and different literary genres to highlight the plight of words, and narratives’ transformative nature/power.

Mots clés: literature ; dissidence ; empowerment ; history from below ; power ; satire