المجلة الجزائرية لبحوث الإعلام والرأي العام
Volume 3, Numéro 2, Pages 410-423

The Public Sphere In Cyberspace-the Criteria Of Formation And Operationlisation Impediments According Tohabermas's Theory And The Recognition Of Axel Honneth

Authors : Bouchenafa Talia . Djeradi Hafesa .


The following study aims to investigate the ability of cyberspace to host public sphere discussions. This is according to the Habermasian perspective, which is based on evoking rational arguments in public deliberation, the communicative equality between social subjects, among others. In addition, it attempts to evoke a paradigm of Honnethian recognition and search for its standard trilogy (love, solidarity, rights) within the cyber platforms on which it relies as an incubating environment for the Habermasian public sphere and seeks to achieve reciprocal recognition between interacting selves.


public sphere ; cuberspace ; mutual recognition