مجلة علوم الإنسان والمجتمع
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 975-994

Towards An Intercultural Communicative Language Teaching And Learning: Implications For English As Foreign Language Classes

Auteurs : Mahbouba Messerehi .


The aim of this research paper is to highlight the importance of shifting the focus from linguistic competence to intercultural communicative competence in teaching English as a foreign language classes. Communicating appropriately and effectively is often emphasized as an ultimate objective for language education. However, concepts related to learners’ competences are not always clarified. This research paper has reviewed the concepts related to the issue of cultural and intercultural dimensions of foreign language education, and raised the importance of focusing on intercultural communicative competence as an ultimate goal for foreign language teaching.

Mots clés

Intercultural Communicative;Language ;Learning