دراسات إنسانية واجتماعية
Volume 6, Numéro 7, Pages 187-214

المخططات الخماسية التنموية في الجزائر 2001-2014 في مواجهة الفقــــــر، البطالـــــة والتضخـــــم

الكاتب : طارق قندوز . السعيد قاسمي . إبراهيم بلحيمر .


Abstract: This study aims to describe manifestations of the economy predicament in Algeria in the light of the economic reforms implemented in the past few decades. This paper also sheds the light on the stakes of shifting to competitive economy from an efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility index requirements perspective and analyzes the gap between unexploited potential prospects and harsh living conditions of the majority of Algerian population. Economic efficiency and good management are thought to be the missing links in regards to the economy in Algeria. The absence of these elements results in permanent unhealthy phenomena such as unemployment, poverty and inflation. This paper seeks to identify, study and analyze thoroughly the nature, causes and consequences of such phenomena in order to figure out the right way to address them.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Economy in Algeria, five-year plans, poverty, unemployment, inflation.