Volume 20, Numéro 1, Pages 249-262

Translation Strategies Of Avdertising Slogans In A Cognitive Perspective

Authors : Bekkari Nassima .


Advertisements carry a cultural message : ideas, concepts, and beliefs of a country, while slogans carry the central message of a company, and at the same time, transmit a message about the culture and the customs of a country. The translator must first understand the meaning of the culture-bound elements of the source text and then transpose those elements in the target text so as he keeps the same effect. Cutural untranslatability occurs when the elements in the source culture do not have an equivalent in the target culture. No matter what translation strategy is chosen, it must be tailored to fit audience and customer’s psychology. Advertising translation is a cross-cultural communication, due to differences in cultures and cultural properties of advertising, translator should not only convey the meaning of an advertisement, but also take the cultural factors into consideration, because bi-cultural is more important than bilingual a successful translator.


Advertisement ; Translation strategies ; Slogans ; Culture ; Cognition