Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures
Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 22-31

Measurement Points Selection Strategy To Update Models In Frequency Domain

Authors : Asma Farid .


In model updating procedures, the experimental data provide information for a configuration error modelling. The selection of the measurement DOFs in the experimental frequency response function should make the updating procedure as capable as possible of detecting configuration mismodelling in the initial model. The selection of the measurement DOFs should be sensitive to the effects of the possible configuration mismodelling in the model. For the model updating procedure, the experimental data should be measured in such a way that the modified model resulting from the updating procedure is the most likely to be reckoned as an updated model. This paper proposes a technique for selecting measurement points that should provide the best structural information for updating. The selected measurement points would define the defects that can be detected. The proposed method is based on the derivative of the frequency response function which materializes the participation of each element on the variation of the measured frequency response.


Measurement points; Sensors; Updating; Frequency domain