Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 191-203

الفكر الوسطي لمواجهة التطرف الديني

الكاتب : حميدة بن زيطة .


الغلو في الدين سلوك مشين ابتدعه الإنسان غير السوي ونتج عنه منهج حياة افترضه المغالي على نفسه بتوجيه من عقله البشري المنعوت بالقصور، وبمقتضاه كلف نفسه ما يشق عليها. ولا علاج لهذه الظاهرة الغريبة إلا بمجابهتها بالفكر الوسطي للإسلام الذي يمثل المنهج الرباني الذي ابتغاه الله لعباده، ولم يكلفهم به إلا ما يطيقون، فرفع عنهم الحرج ويسر لهم بسماحته سبل عبادته. Abstract Religious extremism is a bad behavior created by a certain human being characterized by injustice, resulting in an exaggerated lifestyle, resulting from his ulterior motives. No preference should be given to one text or one of its parts over another. Extremists who go beyond the bounds of religion tend to upset the texts to preach and even to accentuate texts that fall well with their exaggerated beliefs and to close their eyes to what contradicts them. If we speak of the remedy of this strange phenomenon, it will be approached only in the moderate thoughts of Islam, which is considered as a divine method intended by the great God to his servants, but also by scholars devoted to God at the chance to support the call to Allah in accordance with the impartial and authentic rules and through a clear vision of what is the essence of the true Muslim religion and the ways of the Qur'an and Sunnah.

الكلمات المفتاحية

تطرف ; سماحة الإسلام ; اعتدال ; وسطية ; غلو