Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 78-88

جذور الجدال المسيحي ضد الاسلام

الكاتب : Mekideche Mustapha . أحمد رنيمه .


Abstract After the rise of Islam in the 7th century, the Christian communities in Arabia first then in all the Middle East tried to understand this new religion and gave some intellectual and cultural reactions synchronized to the military efforts given by the Byzantium Empire. A new culture of polemics and apology, popular and official was born in the Christendom of Europe. The most important writings were from the some Christians of the Orient, in all Europe, the Roman Church tried to defend the Christian faith, by a polemical works written by theologians for a longue time, they have inspired theirs methods and material from the old Christian tradition against Judaism and paganism, in spite of the case of Islam was different.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Key words: Christian polemics, Roman church, Orient Europe, apology, Islam, religious conflicts, theology, East and West.