Journal of Studies in Language, Culture and Society (JSLCS)
Volume 2, Numéro 2, Pages 109-120

English As A Foreign Language Learners‟ Attitudes Towards Using Videos In Raising Their Cross-cultural Awareness: The Case Of Third Year Students Of English At The University Of Sétif

Authors : Mellit Djihane . Djerrah Zeyneb .


The understanding and appreciation of different cultures mirrored via different languages by means of objective, non-judgmental and biased comparisons is of overriding importance in foreign language classes. For this purpose, this study is an attempt to investigate the relationship between videos as an audio-visual material and the EFL Algerian third year English students „cross-cultural awareness at the University of Setif2. This research revolves around the basic hypothesis that foreign language students hold positive attitudes towards the use of videos in language teaching in Oral Expression sessions due to its effectiveness in promoting their cross-cultural awareness. To this end, a questionnaire was administered to a randomly chosen sample of (250) third year students. The analysis of the data has demonstrated that the targeted learners possess indeed positive vis-à-vis videos as a means to develop their cross-cultural awareness. That is, the research hypothesis was confirmed. This led to gain more insights into the core of the matter and by far open the door to further research attempts and suggestions in the realm of audio-visual materials and cultural awareness, two seemingly multifaceted areas.


Audio-visual Material, Cross-cultural Awareness, EFL Students, Oral Expression, Videos.