les cahiers du mecas
Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 103-114

Les Limites Juridique Et Sociales D’entrepreneuriat En Roumanie

Auteurs : Top Dan .


Awareness during the last decade, the importance of start-ups and small and medium enterprises (SMES) in economic development has caused many government formed by members of all political groups and at all levels to create policies that encourage and stimulate new businesses. After the fall of communism in Romania and transition to a market economy since 1990, the most common forms of entrepreneurship or working on their own are forms of business with a license or form commercial companies. Another form of entrepreneurship in Romania is dedicated to allow individuals and family associations engaged in economic activities in an independent manner. Micro-enterprises, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play an essential role in the European economy. They represent a source of entrepreneurial skills, innovation and job creation. For Romania, a first step in this context was in 1999, the Law on stimulating the creation and development of small and medium enterprises which deals with measures to create favorable to the creation and development of small and medium enterprises, which is repealed by Law 346/2004 which, in keeping with the recommendations EU shows measures to promote the creation and development of small and medium enterprises. In 2004 the government passed the government's strategy to support the development of small and medium enterprises during the period 2004 - 2008, the main priority, measures to support business incubators in production and service value creation high aims to support the creation and development of incubators and technology to stimulate enterprise and innovative initiatives and the development of local small and medium enterprises in production and services generating added value. Romania could reach more than 12 years the average for the European Union two years ago, and only if the nearly 20 billion euro in EU funds will be fully treated in accordance with the National Strategy for Development Sustainable Romania (NSDS) will like it estimated the Romanian Prime Minister Cǎlin Popescu Tǎriceanu, who claim that in 2020 will be the seventh largest economy in the EU.

Mots clés

l'esprit d'entreprise; activité économique d'une manière indépendante; activités entrepreneuriales; petites et moyennes entreprises; développement économique local.