Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 190-204

Handwriting Difficulties Among Primary School Pupils In Bechar

Authors : Tedj Ghomri . Moumni Latifa .


Handwriting is an important skill that children need to acquire and master. Despite the efforts done to enhance this skill and frequent practical training during the course of study, it seems that primary school pupils and consequently most learners at higher levels are still having difficulties and confront barriers in acquiring the handwriting skill. This study attempts to investigate the difficulties that primary school pupils may face in the learning process of this essential skill. A case study is conducted to evaluate pupils of the third and fifth grade at Moumni Lhadj primary school, based on two sets of activities, and classroom observations designed to both grades when French lessons, in addition to a questionnaire directed to teachers of French in different primary schools of Bechar. .


handwriting, difficulties, primary school, Bechar, remedial activities, French, psychomotor skills